The artists of
are soloists and concert performers with an
international reputation and career or
younger talents with several international prizes
:pianists, violinists, violists, cellists, flautists,
oboists, bassoonists, clarinetists, saxophonists,
trumpeters, trombonists, horn-players, guitarists,
harpists, organists, harpsichordists, percussionists,
conductors, choir master, sopranos, tenors, baritones,
basses... A new section, World Music
with a Bulgar Band :
You will
find in the following list, several examples of artists
that can
International well-known artists...
RINGUEISSEN (pianist):French concert performer, he
studied with Marguerite Long and Jacques Fevrier at the
National Superior Conservatory of Paris where he got his
first prize of piano at the age of sixteen. Prize
Frederic Chopin in Warsaw, Prize Long-Thibault in Paris,
Prize Villa-Lobos, Prix of Geneva, he started an
international career of worldwide soloist, with leading
international orchestras, such as Orchestre de Paris,
Gewand-hausorchester Leipzig, Berlin Symphonikern, Warsaw
Philharmonic...He gives masters-class as guest professor
at Mozarteum in Salzbourg and at the summer international
academy of music of Weimar and he's member of the jury of
several international competition such as the Schumann
competitions in Zwickau, Brahms competition in Hambourg,
Chopin competition in Warsaw...his recordings includes
works by Saint-Seans, Poulenc, Stravinsky, Chausson,
of the Madeleine church in Paris) Born at Orléans on
December 26 th 1952. Musical Studies organ and
improvisation with Pierre COCHEREAU, Michel CHAPUIS and
Suzanne CHAISEMARTIN harmony and counterpoint with Pierre
LANTIER. Winner of the Lyon International Improvisation
Prize in 1978.Soloist with Radio-France ; he has taken
part, equally, in many TV programmes. In February 1979 he
succeeded renowned musicians such as SaintSaëns and
Fauré to the post of organist of the great organ of the
Madeleine church in Paris. Organ teacher at the Orleans
and Rueil-Malmaison academies of music.Member of the
Committee responsible for organs unclassified by the
Minister of Culture. Besides performing in numerous
concerts and recitals, principally at large festivals, he
has played in the U.S.A., Japan and Canada. He appears
regularly with orchestras and choirs, either as a
soloist. His répertoire extends from Rennaissance music
to contemporary music (several productions). With a
considérable recording history (discographie) acclaimed
unanimously by the critics, he was awarded BEST
Author of a work on the organs of Orleans
RIOU (pianist) : She was one of the youngest
talents of her generation ; she has been accepted at the
National Superior Conservatory of Paris at the age of
eleven. She studied piano with Jean Doyen and received a
First Prize, harmony with Pierre Lantier, Jacques
Casterede, chamber music with Jean Hubeau and Jacques
Fevrier. Then, she studied with Annie D'Arco in order to
prepare international competition. She won several Prizes
: International Competition of Epinal (France),
International Competition of "Casella" in
Naples (Italy), International Competition of Maria Canals
in Barcelona, Ravel Prize, First Prize Marguerite Long in
Paris, Cziffra Fondation prize winner, Soloist of
the Radio France Orchestra, she has very often recorded
for french and foreign radios...
CARRE (pianist) : She was born in
Besançon (France) and trained at the Ecole Normale de
Musique A. Cortot in Paris under the supervision of
Germaine MOUNIER. She also followed the teaching of
Jean-Marc LUISADA , Joachim ACHUCCARO and Roger MURARO.
She has won a number of international prizes (Grand Prix
at the Concours International Sofia Competition in 1998,
with a special Chopin Prize; Ibla Grand Prize 2001 (most
distinguished artist), with a Mozart Award and
Chopin Award; Laureate of the London International Music
Competition 2001). She has given concerts in Britain (St
Johns, Smith Square, St Martin-in-the-Fields,
London; Tyne Festival, Newcastle), Belgium (Festival
d'Horrues), Bulgaria (Bulgaria Hall, Sofia), South Korea
(Festival of Iksan,1998, 1999, 2000), France (Salle
Molière, Lyon), Italie et Suisse, for the Janus
Foundation. March 2002 was a turning point in her career,
as she was invited to play in New York at the Lincoln
Center (Alice Tully Hall), and in Tokyo (Opera-City
Concert Hall). Her first great recital in Paris was given
at the 19th Festival Chopin at Bagatelle in 2002. It was
unanimously praised by the public and press (see Les
Coups de Cur" in La Lettre du Musicien, and
article in Piano Le magazine in the series Les
grands pianistes de demain (november-décembre
2002). Sponsored by the CIAL-CIC Bank, she recorded her
first CD with a programme including works by Chopin,
Listz, Fauré and Granados, under the artistic
supervision of Philippe Olivier. This record is
distributed via Piano Le Magazine n°35.
Carré has recently signed in with ANIMA Records for a
Chopin CD due out in June 2005.
CHEVLIAKOV (organist), Nicolas ONG
(pianist), Emmanuelle SWIERCZ